Highest quality animals from the heart of Europe

The beginning

Although the idea for Prague Morphs hadn’t come until a few months later, everything started in May 2021. We just moved into a small apartment in Prague and decided it was time to get a pet. After going back and forth between a snake and a small dog, we ended up getting two ball pythons. We just bought them based on their looks, a Pastel Leopard 66% het Clown and a Pewter Butter het Clown. Not knowing what those random words meant, the research started. After days and nights of learning ball python care and genetics, scrolling Morphmarket, watching YouTube videos and finding new and new breeders on social media we decided it was time to buy some more ball pythons, based on the genes and projects we liked the most. The passion has evolved and we created Prague Morphs to share it with you.  

The Team

Prague Morphs was founded by Devon and Tereza, but it wouldn’t be possible to run without our great help! See the team below.






How we work

We pride ourselves on having the highest quality standards and products when it comes to our ball python care. We cooperate with multiple companies and individuals to ensure our environment and processes are the best they can be for our animals. Find the products we love below.